L Theanine & Caffeine from Green Tea
Both our L Theanine and Caffeine are derived from green tea. While most of the western world is now fearful of the side effects of caffeine, we understand that caffeine was intended to be used as a nootropic, and not a stimulant. Our 3:1 ratio of L Theanine to Caffeine ensure that a DrinkAlchemy experience is insightful, highly focused, and productive without making you jittery and anxious. Enjoy DrinkAlchemy as you would a cup of green tea; to start an epic day or as a relaxing evening refresher.
Lion’s Mane Mushroom
Our superstar ingredient, Lion’s Mane Mushroom needs no introduction. It is popular in mainstream media for its ability to enhance creativity, mental stamina, fight brain fog, and even repair nerve cells in the brain. Lion’s Mane is a super food by definition, and a single can of DrinkAlchemy packs 300mg, the equivalent to 8 cups of MUD/WTR.*
*dosing is an estimation based on comparing the caloric content of lion’s mane mushroom and a single serving of MUD/WTR
Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola rosea is a potent dopamine promoter and has been used to fight negative moods and mindsets in ancient times. We loved the literature on Rhodiola and its role in brain function and human performance throughout history and found flow state easier to achieve when supplementing with it during the creation of DrinkAlchemy. Rhodiola has also been shown to improve blood sugars and help control appetite.
Huperzine A
Derived from club moss, Huperzine A has a storied history of reducing inflammation in the body, reducing bruising & swelling, and relaxing muscles and tendons which promote a greater physical recovery rate. More recent studies have shown that Huperzine A is also an effective cognitive enhancer as its role in acetylcholine production works to benefit memory and thinking.
Magnesium & Selenium
Two or our most important ingredients, magnesium and selenium were added to DrinkAlchemy to address the mineral deficiencies seen on a global scale. Magnesium plays a vital role in not only daily physical needs, but also mental. An individual experiencing a deficiency in magnesium may also experience weak or fatigued muscles, brain fog, slow reaction, and trouble falling asleep regardless of how tired they feel. DrinkAlchemy uses magnesium glycinate which has been shown to be highly effective due to its absorption and acute effects on wellbeing.
Selenium plays a vital role in the health and function of our liver and its ability to deal with and dispose of, toxins. Selenium is also necessary to convert thyroid hormones T4 into active T3 hormone, which all cells in the body need to function. For men, selenium is linked to prostate health and function.
If It’s Not On Our Label…
Then it’s not in our drink. DrinkAlchemy takes pride in providing our customers with complete transparency in labeling, allowing everyone the opportunity to see exactly what they are consuming when enjoying our product.
No proprietary blends, no made-up formulas; what you see is what you get.